Lakeside Gardening And Landscape Maintenance Services
Simple, Easy, Dependable, and Responsive Gardening Service
Call Today @ 619-440-3762 or Sign Up Below:
- Gardening Services and Landscape Maintenance, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly
- Irrigation/Sprinkler Repairs
- Core Aeration
- Fertilizing
- Firebreaks
- Weed Abatement
- Property Clean Up
- Lawn Mowing
Lakeside Gardening and Landscape Maintenance
The Gardening Service includes mowing and edging along with cleaning the beds, trimming the bushes and shrubs, and trimming the ground cover as needed. We will also trim the lower hanging small branches of trees including palms up to 9 feet. This service is perfect for the weekend gardener that still likes to get out into to the yard to plant flowers and vegetables but needs help with all the heavy work. If you enjoy gardening when your time permits but dread the chore of having to mow the lawn and do all the trimming and clean up, then this service is for you. Our process is Simple and Easy. Our schedule is Dependable. Our management team is Responsive. Just give us a call today or sign up below. Thanks 🙂
Workers Comp and Liability Insurance.
By hiring us, you can have peace of mind that you are fully protected with regard to workers-comp and liability insurance issues. All our lawn and landscape workers are fully covered.
Lot Size.
All lawn mowing and gardening pricing is based on lot sizes.